The Honest Truth About Sex in College. Facts Don’t Lie.

Sex in College. We all love it, even those who are too shy to admit it. The unfortunate thing about College Sex is the truth that I am going to tell you right now. Sometimes the truth hurts, so sorry if you’re offended.

Fact # 1 – If you’re a hot girl, then your life is way too easy. What guy would NOT want to have sex with a hot girl in college? The answer, NOBODY. If i were approached by a smoking hot chick, and she randomly asked me if I wanted to have sex, I would say yes in a heartbeat. 99.9% of guys would probably say yes as well. Now let me go onto Fact # 2 and state the unfortunate truth.

Fact # 2 – If you’re a guy (attractive or not) , and you act in a blunt and honest way stating what you’re looking for, most of the time you’re not going to get what you want. If I were to approach a girl and tell her she’s attractive and I want to have sex with her, one of the following is most likely going to happen:

Choice A) She’ll say yes, BUT cockblock Sally Bobally is going to come strolling in to save the day to make sure her friend doesn’t make the “mistake” of hooking up with me. Thanks Sally. This is what I call the, “See ya never asshole!” This girl I will probably never see again for the rest of my life, and I lost my one shot. Typical life struggles, so nothing new.

Choice B) The girl will be feeling it, showing signs she’s down. However, Juicehead Jimbo is going to come strolling in and pull the, “Why you talking to my girlfriend” line on me. First off Juicehead Jimbo, you’re not really her boyfriend. Second off, why are you ruining my night by being a douche. Third off, if you want to settle this right now, i’ll gladly punch you in the face. Thanks for the cockblock Jimbo, really appreciate it bud.

Choice C) She’ll say no. This is probably going to be what happens 99 out of 100 times. Hey, you have to strike-out 99 times to get that 1 out of 100 girls you’ll bang right? This is when I just sit back, ask myself why am I so damn ugly, and realize why the hell do I even go out.

And finally………

Choice D) A miracle will actually happen. You’re going to have sex! It’s time to jump for joy because you struck gold my friend. You found that chick who was DTF, and shit’s about to get real. Just don’t perform bad in the bedroom, or else you’ll never have Sally Bobally coming back for more.

*************And A Friendly Reminder********************

No matter what Bros, we’re lucky to be able to say we have a hand. When all else fails, your hand will never fail you. Through thick and thin, it’s always there when you need a helping hand. So to my hand, I thank you for being there when I need you most. Thanks for being the best girlfriend and probably best future wife i’ll ever have.

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