How to Feel at Home While Attending An Out Of State College

You finally got into your dream school and it’s move in day! While many people might be staying home for college, others are making the move away from home, whether it be just over the state line or to a different coast. Personally, I just moved from NYC to Boston and here are some things I learned so far that have been helping me feel more situated.

1. Remember that everyone is just as scared/nervous as you are

When I moved into my dorm last week, I was terrified. It was my first time being away from home, all of my friends were almost 250 miles away and I was in a new city. My roommate had moved in a week before me and had already seemed at home, while I was struggling to even find where the dining hall was. But, as I encountered people on my floor and during my floor meeting, I realized everyone is going through the same thing that I am. Everyone is trying to transition from high to college and learning the ropes, so if you start beating yourself up for being lost, don’t. Everyone is making the same mistakes as you.


2. Don’t get comfortable

You have the opportunity to start over in a brand new place, a privilege many of your friends at home may not have. Instead of dragging your old habits with you when you move in and sitting in your room all day, get out there and do something that scares you. If you weren’t the most social back at home, keep your door open and say hi to people as they pass, introduce yourself to someone at the dining hall, sit next to a stranger during your lecture and talk to them. Also, this is college, take a class you would have never thought of taking. You’ll never know what you might take away from it.


3. Try and get ahead in your coursework

The main reason why you are in college is to get an education. College is different than high school in terms of schoolwork, so doing some extra studying and doing assignments early will give you some time to see how your workload is and, if you need help, give you the chance to ask your professors or TAs for advice from the get go so that later on you’re not struggling.

4. Call Home

If you are feeling homesick, just call home. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement from your friends and family to keep you going, so Skype, Facetime, whatever form of communication you have, just use it. Remember not to keep calling home steady, you don’t want to stay in your room being sad about all that you are missing at home.

While I may not have figured out my place at school yet, I certainly feel much better about being in college. How do you cope with homesickness? Comment below!



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