Marshall University Banning Fraternity Parties For The Dumbest Reason

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Fraternities often get in trouble for doing some stupid stuff. However in this scenario, we don’t really know what the big issue is. Marshall University is banning fraternity parties, and here’s the reason why:

From MetroNews:

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Fraternity parties at Marshall University have been banned until each Fraternity Chapter completes an approved risk management training course.

School officials issued the guidelines Thursday in response to a back to school party Aug. 22 which consisted of a number of students from several parties along Fifth Avenue in Huntington. They said the parities blocked the road and backed up traffic.

Previous reports indicated many were cited for underage drinking, public intoxication and obstruction, but school officials said the only charges filed were against two fraternities for violating the city’s noise ordinance and no arrests were made.

Although the risk training will be required, no sanctions will be imposed on the fraternities, officials said. If the guidelines are violated, a fraternity could be placed on probation, suspension and could lead to a chapter revocation.


[via MetroNews]

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