Midterms Week as Told by How I Met Your Mother

It’s that time of year! You’re half way through the semester, and the finish line is growing closer and closer. The only thing that stands between you and the holiday season is…midterms. No matter how prepared you are, midterms week is stressful for every college student. The cast of How I Met Your Mother feels your pain, and is here to help you get through it.

22. Note to self: if Marshall Erikson can make it as a lawyer, you can pass your midterms. 200-17

21. When you’re trying to study in the library and there’s that one crowd of people who are trying to socialize.giphy-25

20. This material was boring class, and is boring now that you’re trying to study it.giphy-23

19. You don’t understand why the notes you took seem as confusing as Chinese to you. What did I even write.. what does this even meangiphy-15


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