New Greek Life Organizations To Join TCNJ Greek Life

New Greek Life Organizations


As many of you may have heard by now, there is a new fraternity and sorority that will will be coming to TCNJ this fall. Delta Tau Delta and Delta Gamma will both be commencing chapters on our campus. Greek like is something that everyone should give a shot in college because you never know what the results could be like. At bigger colleges, greek like isn’t THAT big because when you have 30,000+ students on campus, you simply don’t need the benefits of a greek organization. Parties in big school are a surplus, you can meet a new person everyday for the rest of your college career and you will still see hundreds of people everyday that you have never seen before, and jobs won’t be a problem as long as you stay on top of your resume. At TCNJ however things are different. There is never a time when walking on TCNJ’s campus from one point to another that you won’t run into someone you know, or at least a person who you recognize. If you don’t live off campus, chances are you probably won’t be able to throw a good party, or even have friends over your dorm without getting documented by a CA. At TCNJ you really have few options in order to have a balanced social life. You either need to be in multiple clubs, play sports, or join a greek organization. Not everyone is meant to be an athlete, people might not be interested in clubs, but greek life will provide you will a balance of all these things, which is why everyone should at least attend rush events and go from there.

Now when it comes to the two new organizations that will be on campus this fall, there are many things to consider. Every fraternity/sorority has their well known reputation on campus whether it is good or bad. These reputations affect how people associate with members of the organizations, and also affect parties that these organizations throw.

In accepting bids to either Delta Tau Delta or Delta Gamma there are certain things to keep in mind, although to be honest I think girls have less to worry about than guys. A new sorority on campus just means more girls to mix with at parties. Fraternities have much more to worry about. First of all, since this would be the first pledge class of Delta Tau Delta, there would probably be no pledge season. Additionally, every member would have to work extremely hard to make sure they earn a clean reputation. Parties most likely won’t happen a lot because nationals would be checking up on the fraternity frequently. Since this is a new fraternity, the first pledge class will be huge and will be very diverse.

Now I’m not saying I’m against these new greek organization; I’m actually pretty pumped. I just want people to realize what they are getting themselves into if they do decide to pledge these new greek organizations.  If you have the time and dedication to start from scratch go for it! Not everyone can say they are part of their Fraternity/Sorority’s first pledge class.

Just remember that the most important thing about picking a greek organization to join is to get to know the people already in it, or get to know the people who could potentially be the first pledge class, since these are the people you will spend the most amount of time with in college.


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