An Open Letter To Those Who Have Been Heartbroken

To the members of the heartbreak club,

I know that you’re hurt now and I know that the last thing you want to be told is that “time will heal all your wounds” because “time” is not right now and you don’t want to feel this hurt anymore.  It’s okay to cry it out, to hold it in, to scream, to be angry, to be numb, to be confused, to listen to your favorite sad song.  Just remember to allow yourself to be free to smile again.

I know that you will question all that you have done and sit up until the late hours of the early morning questioning yourself and wondering why you couldn’t have done better.  You may want to burn every photo, throw away every gift, give back everything that was theirs in a box.  Sometimes it feels like the skin around your fingers and toes is too tight.  Sometimes it feels like only way to keep your body in one piece is to curl up in a ball on your bed under your blankets.

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