Each Place You’ll Try to Meet a Girl

Everyone handles their first couple weeks on campus differently. The weather is still warm, so it isn’t hard to find people playing soccer or throwing a Frisbee. Some guys will be playing video games during all of their free time because they never got to when they lived with their parents. Some people will hang out at the gym consistently, doing their best to take advantage of the amazingly huge rec on campus. Whether it’s any of these things, or whatever it is that you did (or are doing now), everyone eventually realizes that the best part of being on a college campus is being with thousands of people you’ve never met before. It’s exciting to constantly introduce yourself and search for new friends. It would be hard to hang out around all these new people and not find yourself attracted to a ton of them. If you’re a guy, you probably even make searching for a potential girlfriend a new hobby. Regardless of your level of success, every guy has a few go-to spots when they want to meet girls.

10. The Classroom

Why not? You have to be here anyways, so you might as well make the best of it. It might be the girl who answers all of the questions perfectly, or the one who sits in the back quietly who looks amazing, but you will definitely find yourself head over heels for a girl in one of your classes. Pro-tip from someone who is definitely not a pro: by meeting her in a classroom, you have created what might be the easiest ice-breaker ever. Just start a discussion about the class and how much you love/hate it, or how the professor really needs to stop wearing Sketchers. It’ll make the class a bit easier, too.


9. The Rec

You’ll run into a very specific type of girl here, and that is the athletic girl who can run circles around you because you consistently choose pizza over salads. That doesn’t stop you from racking up a bit too much weight on the bench and almost die trying to lift it. Keep on it though because this place has an unintended side-benefit: you might actually get in shape by simply going to the gym consistently. It may even help you out in the long run.

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