My Problem With The Word “Thirsty”

My problem with the word “Thirsty”

Let’s make one thing clear … if a guy compliments you…HE’S NOT THIRSTY. So STOP thinking that he wants you. Chances are he thinks you’re pretty, your ass is fat, and you have a nice rack (I know this one TOO well). Be the respectful woman your mother raised you to be and say a polite “Thank You”. Don’t be some boguie basic ass female and be like “Eww, you thirsty” because quite frankly my friend…NOBODY WANTS YOU.

Now, there IS a fine line between giving a compliment, admiring someone AND then actually being thirsty. If I tell you to Snapchat me, DON’T SEND ME NUDES OR A PICTURE OF YOUR DICK. If you expect me to even have the SLIGHTEST amount of respect for you, please save yourself the time and don’t send it to me. If you ask me “When we chillin?” and I don’t hit you back right away … don’t text me 4 times after that, and then call me another 2 times and then call me on FaceTime. The answer is we probably aren’t chillin because people these days don’t know “JUST CHILL” actually means “JUST CHILL”. Not I’m gonna come over, we gonna watch a movie & then you pause it to tell me that we’re gonna have sex. Nah… I’m good.

If we’re gonna chill…then why don’t we go somewhere? Like to the park, an art museum or shit… maybe even a hookah lounge. Or if you really don’t wanna spend any money, and you ABSOLUTELY wanna chill at the house, then why not drink some beer, order some pizza and then we can watch Bates Motel. Keep it simple.

If you’re gonna be an asshole about this piece, then YOU my friend must be the person that gets classified as thirsty.

But Ladies, remember…if a guy gives you a compliment…HE’S NOT THIRSTY. He’s being nice and respectful, so chill OUT.

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