Why Settling Back Into College After Break Is So Hard

About halfway through break (or even earlier) we all start getting into that “can’t wait to get back to school” mindset. You miss your friends and all the struggles of being back home get old. Then all of a sudden you are packing up and heading to campus wondering where the time went. Yes it’s is exciting to be back at it, but settling back into college life can be hard to do and this is why.

1. Home is just more comfortable. Comfy bed, relaxing all day, home cooked meals, clean shower. It’s the little things you didn’t even realize you missed so much at school and now you have to leave them all too soon.

2. Starting a whole new schedule and set of classes came up way too soon. Over break you’re almost ready to take classes just for something to do, but once they start it sucks. Getting back into that 8am grind and listening to lectures all day is so hard at first it makes break seem like it was way too short.

3. Unpacking everything and getting your room back in order is such a pain in the ass. If you are like me, you brought way too much stuff home and now are bring back even more. So much stuff. It takes hours just to get your dorm back in order and it is just annoying.

4. Dining hall food seems even worse than it was before. After a month at home with real food, going back to the dining hall is actually torture. Is it possible the food really did get more gross while everyone was gone?

5. You reconnected with all your home friends and now it is weird to be without them all over again. Yeah college friends are awesome and you missed them, but it does still feel like just as fast as you reconnected, you and your high school buddies are separated again.

6. Getting back to that college sleeping schedule (or lack there of) is painful. You forget what its like to stay up late studying, drinking, or listening to your roommate snore and then waking up early and having to actually function. Hangovers definitely get worse after coming back from break.

7. Getting all your syllabuses and seeing what your workload will be like this semester is horrifying. Syllabus week can be nice for some reasons, but I for one hate getting all those papers and schedules that make it seem like the semester is going to consist of me sitting in the library wanting to sob.

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