The Struggles Of Having Sleep Deprivation

The Struggles Of Having Sleep Deprivation
Insomnia is not an awesome thing, especially when all you want to do is rest and sleep. Click here if you understand the struggles of sleep deprivation.

O sleep, sleep, wherefore art thou, sleep? It is neither hither nor there. For it is far, far away; out of thine reach. Sleep deprivation is a real issue, especially in college. From balancing your classes, pulling all nighters to study for a midterms, to have a social life and actually enjoying yourself, it’s hard to find time to sleep. Your body then gets used to being awake or you simply just can’t fall asleep naturally and get the recommended hours to help you actually feel normal. You tell yourself that you’ll get more sleep but it’s a promise you can’t seem to keep to yourself. You don’t mean to be an insomniac; it’s an involuntary thing that just seems to happen. You look forward to your pleasant slumber that is somewhere in the distant future, whenever that may be.

Sleep is an awesome thing, and should be mandatory but sometimes it’s just so hard to doze off. Here are the struggles of having sleep deprivation:

12. Feeling like you’re having a nervous breakdown.

The grasp of sanity is slowly slipping through your fingers.


11. Actually behaving like you’re having a nervous breakdown.

Sanity has completely escaped you. You are no longer a functioning human being but a sleep deprived zombie.


10. You get a little dramatic.

Who needs a soap opera when there’s sleep deprivation? You lose all sense of who you are and what society expects of you.



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