10 Reasons We Love Sushi

Sushi. Some people fear it. Others of us are addicted to it. With a multitude of colors and flavors, modern sushi has taken the food lover world by storm. Here are a few reasons we


15 Gifs that Explain Experimenting Different Things in College

College is THE place to experiment with new and unfamiliar situations that are out of your comfort zone. It allows us to express ourselves in ways we couldn’t in high school and figure out who we


Why College is Harder than High School

Although High School is a very challenging stage in everyone’s life, College maintains a slight lead over High School in its toughness level.   10. YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN! Unlike High School, your Mom cannot


6 Thoughts You Have While Visiting Your Friends at Their College

After a few months of studying for the same classes, going out to the same places, and seeing the same friends all day everyday, you decide that it is time to pay your friends from


5 Ways Fall Brings the Basic Out in Everyone

Let’s be honest, we’ve all have a time where we take a step back, evaluate and realize that we’re being basic. I say own it. Summer’s over, the air is getting that Autumnal chill and classes


15 Instances April Ludgate Reminded You of Freshman Year

Freshman year is always the year of firsts for many young adults. Whether it be your first time away from your parents, your first time drinking alcohol, or even that first 20 page paper, freshman


10 Reasons To Thank Comfort Food

We all find ourselves lying around, eating mass amounts of popcorn, chocolate, and binge watching some new show on Netflix. We tell ourselves.. “Two episodes, then I’ll be productive” it NEVER happens. Eventually we are


When you are OFFICIALLY considered a workaholic

Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. This is the motto of a workaholic. The every day routine of one who has no life, but enough ambition to stand out in a crowd. At all costs. On


15 Thoughts You Have While Scrolling Through a Foodstagram

It is just after noon in a big lecture hall when you hear your stomach grumble. You have 45 more minutes until freedom, aka running to the nearest café and scarfing down a sandwich, chips,


12 Reasons Why Chipotle is MY LIFE

12. Decent Prices- Chipotle sells heaven wrapped in tin foil for less than $10! For an item of such great divinity it is well worth what you spend. And, if you’re anything like me, I get so