10 Signs That College Has Turned You Into A Mom

There’s always certain kinds of personalities in each friend group such as the party animal, the artistic one, the smart one, etc. It is guaranteed that one of those people is destined to be the mom


11 Love Lessons We Learned From Gilmore Girls

We may not realize it, but TV shows teach us new things about ourselves and everyday life in every episode we watch. Gilmore Girls teaches us about love throughout every season when dealing with Rory and


3 Simple Reasons I Will Always Listen To My Mom

We have all heard the statement “mothers know best” in the midst of just about every tiff we had with our moms when growing up. And, when I was 15, dating a guy my mom


16 Things I Promised to Myself as a Child

When we were all growing up, unrealistic promises were set in our minds. Whether it was to be a cowboy or in my case, a princess, it was highly unlikely that those promises would end


The Perks of Having Your Mom As Your Best Friend

Growing up, I’ve always been super close with my mom. As any mother-daughter duo, we’ve obviously had our ups and downs but through it all there’s no one else I would have rather gone through


How You Know You’re The Mom of Your Friend Group

Every group of friends has one or two people that they would call the DMs of the group. DM, in this case, does not stand for “direct message” like it would on Twitter. DM stands


101 Things I Will Teach My Daughter

WAIT.… If you don’t know what www.universityprimetime.com is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it.