College Life: 15 Times Sh*t Got Real

College will be one of the most critical choices you make in your life. It will be a journey that introduces you to adulthood. But there will be times when college life puts you in


Why It’s Okay Not To Know What You’re Doing With Your Life

College is about finding yourself. At 18, you’re not likely to know what you want to do with your life. At 21, you probably still haven’t figured that out. Newsflash: It’s okay. You’re supposed to


15 Movies GIFS That Perfectly Describe College Life

You may think you’re alone in your feels, but the struggle of college life is universal. From registering for classes to the bar visit that you are sure to regret, here 15 movies that perfectly


10 Reasons Why Mondays Suck

Mondays are a dreaded part of the week that remind us that The Twilight Zone really does exist. 10. It gets into your head. Mondays have a way of making you overthink everything. 9. Monday


15 GIFs That Summarize The College Struggle

Cheers to embarking on new adventures! College is a great test of independence and the struggle is so real. Here are 15 GIFs that summarize the college struggle. 15. That moment you’re so tired that