Ten Things Hofstra Students Hate About Finals Week

10. When Hofstra USA closes early and throws off your entire eating schedule


HofUSA is a safe haven for Hofstra students. It’s a place to vent, hang out and have a subpar pub style burger at 11pm. Without being able to go there late at night, that last meal of the day is gone. Students must forge for food or go to bed hungry. And from then on it’s chaos.

9. The drastic decrease of food once Dutch Treats stops restocking their products


By the end of the semester Dutch Treats has cleared its inventory. At that point it resembles a post-apocalyptic graveyard.

8. Then having so much money on your meal plan, but nothing to buy with it


At Hofstra, points carry over from Fall to Spring. But theres nothing worse than expecting a well deserved feast and being greeted by nothing but Funions and mouthwash.

7. Rushing to find a computer at Hammer Lab

finding a spot

For the first time in the semester every computer is filled. Students have to wait before charging to get a spot once someone gets up. What’s worse is if they’re just going to the bathroom.

6. Then struggling to concentrate no matter what is going on around you

harlem shake

Forget your headphones? Get ready to be greeted by the sultry noise of study sessions and intimate conversations you never needed to hear. At least you’ll have more ideas to pitch to The Chronicle’s “Overheard” section.
