Ten Things Hofstra Students Hate About Finals Week (2)

5. Comparing finals schedules with friends and envying theirs


The worst schedules don’t start until the end of the week.

4. Or the dreaded 7-10 split, when you have a final on Monday and another on Friday


Scratch that, that is the worst finals schedule.

3. Wondering what you should put into your body to help you stay up and study


Should you break out your emergency red bulls, stick with coffee or try something even more powerful.

2. Having an existential crisis when you’re done studying and have nothing else to do

freak out

This happens when you’re sitting for a second after having studied all you think you can know. You wonder what else you could do and suddenly fee like you’re wasting time. Then you wonder what you’re doing with your life and start to question your existence.

1.  Then getting off for break and realizing you’ve done none of your holiday shopping


You have finally conquered the beast of finals and bid farewell to all your friends before realizing there’s one last thing you could use a little help with. Hopefully there’s still time to head to Roosevelt Field Mall for a squad field trip.

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