The 5 Types Of Roommates We All Hate

Let’s face it, we have all lived with a roommate we couldn’t stand at one point in our college career. Here are the five types of annoying roommates you’ll face one time or another during college.

1. The Messy Slob

This roommate appears to keep their side of the room neat and tidy in the beginning of the year, but just wait until the school year progresses. Before you know if you feel like you’re on an episode of “Hoarders” and, you’ll have to jump over the mountains of dry laundry, textbooks, and who knows what else in order to make it to your side of your room.

2. The Hibernating Bear

This roommate seems to be ALWAYS sleeping. From the time you wake up from class, to the time you get back from lunch, they will still be sound asleep in bed, which makes it a struggle to work on schoolwork in your room.

3. The Party Animal

This roommate is always getting wasted at a party and coming back home with some random guy. Then ends up throwing up your dorm room. It’s a roommate’s worst nightmare.


4. The Permanent Boyfriend

This roommate always has her boyfriend over that before you know it he practically lives there!! It seems as if he is your third roommate and you can never get him to leave.


5. The Nonexistent Roommate

This roommate is rarely home and when she is home, she busy working on school work that you hardly even get to know her. After awhile, you forget that you even had a roommate in the first place!

Business major at Sonoma State University.

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