The Stages of a Girl Getting Ready Defined by The Princess Diaries

The Stages of a Girl Getting Ready Defined by The Princess Diaries
From brushing your hair to fixing your brows - these are all necessary before going out. Here are stages of getting ready defined by the Princess Diaries.

The Princess Diaries: the movie every girl knows and every girl loves. We can all relate to Mia Thermopolis whether we want to admit it or not. The geeky, gawky girl who turns into a beautiful princess (even if she isn’t too proper) is something we can all relate to. It’s kind of like when we went through puberty and all of a sudden we were 100 times better looking than we once were. Beauty comes from within and you gain confidence over time, totally adding to your makeover. Getting ready to go out is the same type of process for girls in college – we start with stage one and end up looking like a knock out when we take our last look in the mirror before heading out.

Here’s how The Princess Diaries characters would explain the process of girls getting ready for a night out:


Trying to brush your hair but it’s too thick for the brush:


Before straightening your lion mane of a head of hair and being too lazy to start:


Tripping over the cord of your straightener (I do this every time):



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