This High School Valedictorian Turned Graduation Into A ‘Shake It Off’ Flashmob (2)

“I was listening to ’Shake It Off’ in the car and I thought that would be great for a flash mob so I talked to a few of my friends about making it happen.” One friend, a stage manager, handled the music, while two others with dance experience helped choreograph the whole thing.

They put together an instructional video for the class that they shared privately on YouTube and then got the administration on board, who said they were fine with the plan as long as Yost and his 230+ classmates could actually pull it off. They even let the seniors use five scheduled graduation rehearsals to get the routine right.

“As we practiced, the energy was just building and everyone was feeling how great it was to work together and send this positive message,” Yost said.

Here’s the epic video below:

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