Thoughts You Have While Waiting in Line to get Somewhere

Thoughts You Have While Waiting in Line to get Somewhere
One of my biggest pet peeves in the world is standing in a really long line that's moving at a snail's pace. Here are a few thoughts you have while waiting.

You know what’s the absolute WORST. Waiting in line. It’s something I simply can’t stand. Whether it’s waiting in line to get food, waiting in line to get on a plane, waiting in line in the mall, or whatever the case may be, waiting in line flat out SUCKS. Here are 10 thoughts everyone has while waiting in line.

10. Oh man, there’s a huge line.


9. What is taking this person so long?


8. Did I lock my car?


7. I’m starving!


6. Is this guy trying to cut? He’s too close, Back up!



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