Top Ten Pet Peeves of Hofstra Students

Top Ten Pet Peeves of Hofstra Students
You try to avoid them at all costs, but it still manages to happen anyway. Here are the top ten peeves that Hofstra students experience on the daily.

10. When Someone Mentions the Football Team to You


Most of the time it would be a simple joke. You’d met someone somewhere and say you go to Hofstra. They’d ask, “Oh, so how’s the football team?” You’d expect them to ask about your major, the school you belong to, but they focus on the one non-existent part of your college.

9. Having to Dive Out of the Way to Avoid Cars on Hempstead Turnpike


There are three unispans and yet we still find an excuse to cross what is probably the most dangerous road in New York. And since Hofstra students are professional jaywalkers, we always end up sprinting when a car comes. Students here constantly joke about deliberately getting hit and suing to pay for tuition.

8. When You’re Late to Class and Somebody in the Atrium Corners You


You’re walking as fast as your legs allow and in a moment of weakness you glance over at students tabling for their clubs. It’s game over when someone sees you’re interested and immediately rushes over to sell you something. Some tips to avoid this are to look down at your phone, pretend not to speak English, or just say “no thanks.”

7. When You Hear Those Dreaded Words “RA on Duty”


It could be during a game of “Kings,” or simply when you have a few beers out when your watching football. The moment a Hofstra student hears a knock, followed by “RA on Duty,” they go into fight or flight mode. Minors must hide under the bed, or students must down their drinks and get rid of the evidence.

6. Having To Deal With the Beast That is “HU Preferred”


Hofstra’s wifi is notorious for falling in and out, especially in the bathroom. Shame for anyone who likes to watch Youtube videos on the bowl.


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