What My First Semester at Mizzou Taught Me

10. Coffee is so important.

Those late night study sessions just wouldn’t be possible without it. Neither would the 8 a.m. classes.

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9. Having a roommate sucks.

Sharing a small space with another person is pretty much the worst thing ever.


8. Rollins @ Night is a lifesaver.

The nights where you’re up studying past dinner time, Rollins @ Night is always open until 1 a.m. for your late night brain food!


7. The library is good for so much more than checking out books.

It’s an awesome place to study and escape the ever-present loud noises of a college campus.


6. Netflix is also so important.

The weekends when you have nothing to do and can’t drive home, Netflix is your best friend. You can make a whole day fly by in what seems like a few hours!



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