6 Ridiculous Stories From Lecture You Need To Read To Believe


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Some pretty funny things happen in large lectures, whether its someone drooling on their desk or a professor making a fool out of themselves. People who attended large lectures were asked to share their craziest stories in a question on Reddit. Here are 6 students who managed to stick out from the rest.

I took a very early morning sociology 100 class last year, and it was not very entertaining. Many people had their various ways of coping with the monotonous professor. The kid who sat in the row behind me every morning, however, chose to pretend to be a Polish immigrant named Pasha, who would loudly and very inappropriately answer questions in a thick Polish accent.

I knew it was a joke because he sat behind me and I could hear him talk to his friends about what he was going to say. The professor and her various TA’s probably could have, at some point, referenced a master class list to see if this kid was for real. However, seeing as how it was a 500+ seat lecture hall, it caught them completely off-guard whenever he’d raise his hand. He would then proceed to loudly shout his questions/answers before actually called on, whether or not they were relevant to discussion or lecture.

Prof: Who can remind us all what it took to be legitimate on the streets of ____ from our last reading on gang violence?

Pasha: Hello, Pasha. It took the living of men to kill.


Prof: Yes, they had to have killed another man, correct Pasha. Thank you.

He never “broke character”, and neither he nor his friends ever broke out laughing or anything in the middle of this – they played it totally cool to see what the prof would do. A lot of people who sat around me didn’t find it amusing at all, and clearly thought he was being very disrespectful, but it was a sociology class after all – and I thought he was performing a pretty interesting social experiment.

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