What A College Guys Halloween Costume Says About The Kind Of Boyfriend He’ll Be


Before you go out there into that wild world on your own, let me help prepare you. Brush up on this list to see exactly what kind of boyfriend this hottie at the party will be based on what he decided to throw on this Halloween:

Written By Candice Jalili

This Post Originally Appeared On EliteDaily.com

"DIRTY COP ED BANGER MEN'S COSTUME" from Wholesale Halloween Costumes's website.

Wholesale Halloween Costumes

Let’s face it: You didn’t approach him because of his winning personality. No, this guy is hot, and he knows it.

What kind of boyfriend will he be? Well, let’s just say you’re going to be heavy on the selfies and light on the conversation. Honestly, it’s not the worst setup, if you ask me.

Man and woman dressed in "ADULT PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY COSTUME" from HalloweenCostumes.com.


OK, so this guy is taken and a cheater. So, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

Maybe the jelly to his peanut butter really isn’t doing it for him anymore, but the fact that he’s willing to even look your way is BAD NEWS.

Just think: Next year, it could be you in that jelly costume while he eyes some new girl.

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