Crazy Things Only Boy Band Obsessed Girls Understand (3)

5. Being defensive over complete strangers. It’s not uncommon to be genuinely offended over jokes and go off on somebody for talking about your future husband. Yeah, they think you’re crazy but at least you’re loyal.


4. Listening to songs over and over and over again. You know every background vocal and key change and would easily be able to recognize what song it is if it was played in reverse.


3. Knowing every possible fact about every member. The time they were born, their grandparents’ middle name, that’s all common knowledge.


2. Relating every song to your life. Every single song has a specific memory, feeling, or person attached to it. All the albums become special to you in a unique kind of way.


1. Meeting people who favor the same band as you and becoming immediate best friends. You suddenly have a billion things to talk about and connect on a whole different level. After all, you’re some of the few who actually get each other!


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