How You Know You’re The Mom of Your Friend Group

Every group of friends has one or two people that they would call the DMs of the group. DM, in this case, does not stand for “direct message” like it would on Twitter. DM stands for “designated mom.” It’s important to keep your group of friends grounded and in reasonable condition whenever you go out in public or to a party, and it’s the mom’s job to do that. Here are some of the ways you’ll know if you’re the mom friend:

You’re the shoulder to cry on– When it’s 4am and your friend’s boyfriend just broke up with her or it’s 1am and your other friend is drunk and crying about her boyfriend from practically middle school, you’re the one they turn to. No matter what the problem is, even if you can’t solve it, your friends always come to you for comfort. This feeling is one in a million because it gives you a sense of importance.



You’re the nurse/cook/taxi driver/cheerleader– Not only do you wipe the tears, but you also cook dinner, take your friends’ temperatures when they’re sick, drive them to the grocery store when they’ve run out of the Cheez-Its that they swear they cannot possibly get by another second without, and cheer them on throughout all of their victories.



You’re the one who settles all the fights– If there’s ever a disagreement or argument going on amongst your friends, you’re the mediator. Not only do you give valid points to both sides of the argument, but you help resolve the issue and remind your friends that you all love each other and shouldn’t be fighting over something as stupid as who gets to use the shower first tomorrow morning.



You’re the anxiety-stricken lunatic– Whether it comes to losing a friend at the bar or running 30 seconds late to class, you’re constantly worrying. You don’t even have to be worrying about yourself; you’re most likely worrying that your roommate is going to sleep through their alarm while you’re in class or that your friend didn’t make it home okay last night because their phone was dead this morning when you tried calling. You’re constantly reminding people to do everything by the books so all of your lives can run smoothly.




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