Southern Illinois University Throws First Banger of the Year. This Footage Shows It Was Epic.

The parties have officially begun. WAIT.… If you don’t know what is by now, get your head straight, SERIOUSLY. It’s kind of the hottest col­lege web­site in the world right now, so give us a LIKE on Face­book —> HERE and give us a FOLLOW on Twitter/Instagram–> @UPrimetime. You won’t regret it. We have some awe­some give­aways in the near future! 

Check out these pictures/videos from a party at Southern Illinois University. The #SolarBear is all over twitter for this crazy party that started the Fall Semester off right. Here are some of the best pictures and videos we’ve found. Let the rage begin! The cops clearly gave zero fucks about this party happening, which makes it even greater.

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