Top College Halloween Costume Ideas for 2015 (2)



This is an adorable costume of Russel from the movie ‘Up.’ A fairly simple costume to make yourself as you can pull pieces from everyday outfits.


“I’m a piranha! They live in the Amazon!” Darla is the wild “fish killer” from ‘Finding Nemo,’ an obscure, yet significant character. This would be a very unique, fun costume to create.


‘Inside Out’ came out just this year and what better way to show your approval of the film than to dress as the emotions? This would make for a great group costume for you to do with your friends.

One of the most underrated characters from the PIXAR films is Edna Mode. Another perfect way to stand out this Halloween by wearing a simple costume while portraying an awesome character. This would make for a very easy do-it-yourself costume.up-next-page

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