10 Awkward Moments of Going To Hometown Parties Over Break (2)

5.  Inevitably running into your friend you accidentally hooked up with post high school, while talking to your Ex.  Perfect! As if the scenario of playing catch up with your ex while wasted at a party couldn’t go any smoother… You run into the friend you accidentally, drunkly hooked up with post- high school, mid conversation with the ex.  The next two minutes are full of internal panic.

4.  Confronting everyone that you deleted off snapchat because they were annoying.  I’m sorry but your daily dose of selfies and situations only you find funny weren’t cutting it for me. “Oh my God did you see my snapchat?” “..um I actually don’t think I have you?” “oh.”.  Yeah.  That just happened.

3.  Coming up with a response to the frequent “well I see you’re having a fun semester” that doesn’t make you come off like a total screw up.  So what if I go out a lot?  Damn right I’m having a hell of a lot of fun.  More than you are sitting in a library every night, anyways.  Haven’t you ever heard these are supposed to be the best 4 years of our lives?

2. Trying to find common grounds with people who didn’t leave for college.  You may have been best friends in high school, but thats when you lived the same lives.  They stayed home and got their life together, and you’re still scrambling around trying to put together all the pieces. You suddenly realize you have nothing to say or discuss because you share absolutely no common grounds with each other anymore, and start asking yourself why you even attempted small talk.

1. Going home to your parents drunk. They’re not used to it and they’re not happy.  Your parents don’t know how much you drink, and they assume you get this “turnt” every time you go out at school. The next morning is the worst because did your mom really find you passed out on the front porch? Bless.

Going to hometown parties over break is kind of like a drinking game in itself.  You find yourself pounding the drinks back at every awkward encounter, which typically is every encounter.  Bless your liver and happy holi-daze.

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