10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Alcohol (2)

5) It takes about 600 grapes to make one bottle of wine. 

Maybe that’s why wine is so expensive…

4) Consuming a glass of milk can show up on a breathalyzer. 

After consumption, you can blow a .02 on a breathalyzer test, which unfortunately, is a problem in some states.

3) A bottle of Champagne contains about 49 million bubbles. 

Can you even imagine a number that high?

2) Alcohol started the practice of farming. 

Many people believed that food production was the start of farming. Actually, farmers were trading in order to produce the ingredients needed to make alcohol.

1) Europe is extremely lenient with alcohol consumption. 

Unlike the United States, Europe allows teenagers to drink practically everywhere, even in a lot of high schools and on the menu at McDonald’s.


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