10 Struggles Only A Le Moyne Student Would Understand

10 Struggles Only A Le Moyne Student Would Understand
Choosing to go to a small private college may be one of the best decisions you ever made. But here are 10 struggles that only Le Moyne students understand.

Le Moyne College is a small Jesuit school in Syracuse, NY and to its approximately 2,900 undergraduate students, it is a second home. For many, the time spent here feels so short and we find ourselves wishing we could stay longer. Going to a small college has it’s perks but sometimes Le Moyne College does have it’s downsides. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t imagine going to college anywhere else but there are some struggles that only a phin would understand.

Here are things that only a Le Moyne student could relate to:

10. Having small class sizes aka not being able to register for any of your classes

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And probably knowing the person who took your spot in the class. But despite this, you pray each semester that you get into that class and that someone else gets squeezed out. It’s important to celebrate the small victories in life.

9. The walk from Harrison and St. Mary’s to EVERYTHING ELSE on campus

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Wear comfy shoes. You’ll regret it, especially when you have a full day of classes.






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