10 Mistakes You Should Make Now As A College Student

As we get older, we are all going to make mistakes. This is what makes us human. Even if we want to be perfect 24/7 and have a flawless life, it’s not going to happen. It’s better to chalk it up and learn from your past mistakes. Even though you will have slip-ups your entire life, some should be made before you turn 25. These are the immature and crazy life choices that we can blame on just being young. Make your mistakes now, because they won’t be as forgivable when you’re 40.

1. Get drunk on a Wednesday night and go to school/work totally hungover.


2. Drop all your money on an outrageous purchase.


3. Stay in a relationship that’s not going anywhere because you’re having fun.


4. Be deceived.


5. Screw someone else over.


6. Get caught up in a scam.


7. Go to a nice restaurant/bar and get kicked out.


8. Try a ridiculous diet.


9. Lose your phone/wallet when you go out.


10. Take a random job for the money and then tell your boss off and quit.


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