10 Professors From Movies/TV Shows College Students Wishes They Had (2)

5. Miss Bliss: Saved By The Bell- If you didn’t adore Miss. Bliss, I’m not sure what you were watching! A lovable, easy going (but a hard ass at times), smart ass, funny, and caring woman. She always thought of others before herself and went out of her way. She taught endless life lessons, and is always there for you. Bliss always pushed you to do your best, and knew when to knock you down a peg.bliss
4. Dewey Fin: School Of Rock- Fake substitute, ball busting, Dewey Finn is totally awesome! I mean if I could forget about U.S. History for a day and learn about music I’d be golden! He’s passionate, caring, and super funny. It’s also awesome when a student teachers a teacher; the kids helped him care more about others and not himself! Also a “field trip” to Battle of the Bands for a day and competing would be a great experience. He was great at teaching the kids how to have management, time management, and get things done!
3. Ms. Norbury: Mean Girls- Norbury taught some life lessons, while being a total and complete goofball. She always gave level-headed advice and was considered the cool, whacky teacher.
2. Miss. Frizzle: The Magic School Bus- Um, because who doesn’t want their teacher to control a magic school bus, shrink you down to ant size, and go on awesome school trips?
1. Miss. Honey: Matilda- Quiet Miss. Honey was the perfect teacher. Thoughtful, protective, caring, and herself. She was always super patient with her students, and pushed them to do their best. A strong-hearted woman, who never raised her voice (thank you for never yelling Miss. Honey).

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