10 Reasons College Has Made Me Contemplate Becoming a Stripper (2)

5. Then actually getting into those classes. Now that you’ve figured out what classes you need to take to graduate, you basically have to go through The Hunger Games in order to actually get into those classes. Registration is one of the most frustrating parts of college and there have been many tears shed, walls punched, and bitch-fits thrown over the whole process. There are only a certain amount of spots left in the classes you need to take so you know that your chances of getting in are slim, but you still hold out hope anyways. If you ditch college to pursue a career as a stripper at least everyone follows a schedule so you don’t really have to worry about fighting for your spot.

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4. Housing assignments. Some schools let you choose your housing assignment and others choose for you, but either way it’s a process that’s almost as bad as registration. You may not get the room that you want, you may get a roommate who’s the polar opposite of you, or you may simply just not like the way your room is set up. The amount of work that goes into just making sure you get a room you can actually live in for a year is ridiculous, but absolutely necessary. As a stripper at least you could make enough money to get yourself a nice apartment or house with all of the furniture you want and never have to worry about a bad roommate or ugly view.


3. When there’s no open washers/dryers. All you wanted to do was get a few loads of laundry done, but every single washer or dryer is full. You don’t understand why there aren’t more washers and dryers located in every building, but for some dumb reason there’s only a small amount in comparison to the number of people that actually live in your building. As a result you’re stuck waiting downstairs for a washer or dryer to open up because if you leave for even a few seconds you know that someone else is going to swoop in and take it from you. Strippers can at least buy all the clothes they want with the amount of money they make in tips.


2. Having to pull all nighters. Not getting any sleep means having bags under your eyes and getting told you look like a zombie. Pulling an all nighter wouldn’t be that bad if you were able to at least get some sleep earlier in the day, but being awake for your 8 AM on Monday and then having to stay awake until your 8 AM on Tuesday is just too much. While strippers do work mostly at night at least they have the opportunity to sleep during the day. You don’t even get that luxury.


1. When you look at your bank account.  This one is a no brainer. Everyone likes to have money and everyone panics when they don’t have any. If you were to just drop out of college and become a stripper you probably wouldn’t worry about money half as much as you do. You know that as a stripper you would do an amazing job and you’d be racking in those tips like there’s no tomorrow. Granted you’d still have to pay bills and go grocery shopping and all of that, but at least you’d never have to look in your bank account and see anything less than $20.


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