10 Reasons Why Every College Student Should Watch Amy Schumer

1. She gets it. She makes sketches about drinking, sex, and is just plain hilarious.


 (We’ve all been there…)

2. She does shows at colleges across the country…so you don’t have to go that far from campus to see her live.


 (I’ve never seen so many people in Ritchie…)

3. She knows how to keep you on your toes…just like your Orgo exams.


 (See? She gets you right at the end…like that formula you never went over in class.)

4. She has no limits to her humor, which we can all appreciate, especially during Finals season.


 (We can all appreciate a little political humor right? Come on, don’t be a Weiner…)

5. She’s empowering to women.


 (Women’s Studies paper topic anyone?)

6. She gets the parent struggle.


(Remember that moment when your parents added you on Facebook?)

7. She stands up for herself. (No pun intended)


(Lol, take notes, you have to be quick on your toes in college…)

8. She understands your friend group.


(We all have those friends…and if we don’t…it’s probably us.)

9. She’s honest. Which is hard to come by in college…


(Seriously, it’s sold out like “On the Run” tour tickets in college towns…)

10. Most importantly, who wouldn’t want to watch someone who looks like this?



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