10 Reasons You Hate Going Out

young woman is sitting alone in a nightclub
Going out: it used to be fun, but you’re kind of over it. You don’t really like the bars, you don’t like the frats and you hate the people. So why do you still go out? The reasons are endless. Maybe you are being peer pressured (which is totally not cool). Or, maybe you are trying to forget your problems by drinking (which is even less cool). No matter what your reasons are for going out, you secretly (or openly) hate it. Here are some reasons why:
10. It Puts You Behind on Work
You have so much schoolwork to do before next week but you’re pre-gaming at 8pm, going out 11pm-2am, waking up at 11am, being hungover until 4pm, pre-gaming again at 8pm and repeating it all over again. This leaves you to do work between 4pm and 8pm on Saturday and after 4pm on Sunday. So basically, you are not going to get anything done.
Will smith
9. It’s Just Not the Same
It was so new and fun to go out as a freshman. You loved the feeling of belonging, and you made so many good friends. The bars and frat houses were all new to you and they seemed like a different world. But, once the excitement is gone, all you have left is a drunk person groping you, a really bad DJ screaming in your ear, and a headache.

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