10 Reasons You Hate Going Out (2)

8. You’re Getting a Beer Belly
Let us assume that each drink has 100 calories. Now, how many drinks do you have on a normal night out? 5? 7? 10? That’s 1000 calories! I’m just as upset as you are, honestly. But you need to admit that 2000 calories of alcohol per weekend is starting to take its toll. You can tell yourself it’s the tragically unhealthy dining hall food, but we all know the truth.
7. You are Exhausted
After class, work, homework, etc., all you want to do is sleep–or at least watch Netflix in your bed snuggled up in a blanket. It takes everything you have to be out of the house past your usual bedtime. While you’re dancing at the club, you’re actually daydreaming about your face hitting the pillow.

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