10 Reasons Real Men Don’t Cheat

Somewhere along the road, men have stopped being faithful and have been applauded by their peers, based on their “game”. They parade around as if they are real men while in fact, they are ruining the trust in women. While terms like “side chick” have become a part of normal social media, it shows how out of control this really has become. There are many men with good intentions who will now hit a wall, because an immature boy broke a women’s trust. When one man cheats, he is likely to ruin the chances of the next man who tries to get close to the woman. Here is why real men don’t cheat.


1. They have will power to keep their hands to themselves.

2. They understand the meaning of respect.

3. They are emotionally stable.

4. They wouldn’t stay in a relationship with someone they don’t love.

5. They don’t need a long rap sheet to feel like a real man.

6. They wouldn’t want to hurt someone they love.

7. They know what’s important in life and that’s not a one night stand.

8. They would have the courtesy to end a relationship before pursuing someone else.

9. They realize that hiding and secrets are too much work.

10. They wouldn’t want to break their personal vow.

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