A Guide To Sunday Mornings

After spending your Saturday night out having the time of your life, (as per usual) 80% of the time you wake up Sunday morning and the first thing that probably comes to mind is waaatttterrrr or what happened last night??? (depending on who you are) Anyways here’s a guide to the dreaded Sunday morning.

*que song, “Good Day” by Nappy Roots*


  1. Wake up- After a night out you’ll either wake up dazed and confused around 12 p.m. or just flat out hungover. And if you’re really lucky, you’ll wake up in your clothes from last night.

wake up

  1. Check your texts- Let’s recap all the embarrassing texts we probably sent to people last night!!! After that you might considering the following: moving, changing your name, or burying yourself in a ditch.


  1. Brunch- It is mandatory that you attend Sunday morning brunch regardless of how hungover/still drunk you may be. This is crucial. If you don’t go you’ll miss all the embarrassing/funny/WTF stories that happened the night before. Don’t question it, just GO.

Side note: Avoid anyone & everyone except for the omelet guy… the omelet guy is your friend.


  1. Nap- You will hate yourself if you don’t. Get in your bed, login to your Netflix account, put on a show (HIMYM preferably) and fall asleep. Your body will thank you later.


  1. Go to the library- I mean if you’re motivated go for it… But like Netflix is always a good choice too.


  1. Laundry- Sunday’s are laundry days because chances are you ran out of underwear or socks, or you’re just gross, so get up and wash your clothes. After napping of course.


  1. Check your pictures- If drunk you loves pics then don’t forget to scroll through your camera roll on this fine Sunday morning! CAUTION: Images may be pitch black because drunk you sucks or just plain heinous because again, drunk you sucks.




Hopefully this guide helps you conquer every Sunday morning you will face this semester.

Now scroll up, re-read number 5, and ignore it until at least 8 p.m. on Sunday night… or ignore it all together.


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