10 Reasons San Diego Is The Best College Town In The Country

First off, San Diego is far from a town. It’s a thriving city with everything a young adult could ever want. This is exactly why the students at SDSU, UCSD, USD, and Point Loma are living the college years of their dreams.

For anyone unaware of the greatness that is San Diego, California, we have some tips for you: START EXPLORING. Here’s exactly why you should appreciate the sunny city of San Diego much more than you do.


puppy running

Everyone loves the beach. Anyone who left the coast for college is constantly missing it, and you’ll never hear an inlander complaining about a casual beach day. You’ll never have nothing to do. I mean, people vacation here…like a lot of people. Is that not reason enough to love it?!

9. Awesome food


San Diego is known for a variety of great restaurants. Whether you’re looking for a romantic, world-class dinner downtown, or the best burrito you’ve ever had from your favorite hole-in-the-wall place, SD’s got it all.

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