10 Reasons Scott Eastwood is the Man of Your Dreams

Scott Eastwood – the newest Hollywood heartthrob who captured our undying love in his first Town & Country photoshoot, then induced widespread heart failure with his lead role in the latest Nicolas Sparks movie, The Longest Ride.

And for those first time Scott-lovers out there, yes, he is the son of famed cowboy, Clint Eastwood. But guess what? He’s the oh so new-and-improved Eastwood hottie. He may be taking after Dad wearing cowboy attire in Taylor Swift’s “Wildest Dreams” music video, but hot-damn is he doing it in his own way.

As the fame and beauty of Scott Eastwood flourishes with every blue-eyed and gorgeous Instagram post of his laid-back San Diego lifestyle, his career is growing even faster.

The latest Scott news is his recent consideration to be a People’s Choice Award Nominee. And honestly, who wouldn’t give it to that piece of perfection. If you didn’t already know, here are 10 reasons why Scott Eastwood is truly the man of your “Wildest Dreams” (yeah that was clever I know).

10. Everything about this

scott #2

9. The fact that his cowboy roots run deep


8. He loves puppies


7. His sense of humor is perfect, and if you haven’t already seen his FunnyOrDie video, go. now. watch it.

the bachelor

6. He’s not afraid to make fun of himself

make fun of himself

5. Oh and did I mention this

scott shirtless

4. By the way he surfs


3. And homeboy knows how to have fun

how to have fun

2. He loves his (legendary) dad (awwwhhh)

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Don’t lie. If he wasn’t already, Scott Eastwood just became the most important man in your life. Which is exactly why it should be your number 1 priority to go VOTE FOR HIM TO BE A PEOPLE’S CHOICE NOMINEE FOR FAVORITE DRAMATIC MOVIE ACTOR FOR HIS ROLE IN THE LONGEST RIDE. That’s all. #livluvscott



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