10 Reasons Why Not Going To The College Of Your Dreams Isn’t A Big Deal (2)

8.) The people

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If you got as far as orientation with your dream college, you probably met some of your prospective best friends. Or so you thought. Now you’re at this college that you’re semi-stoked about but daydreaming about what your would-be school. Give it some time. You’ll meet people you never would have imagined you’d be friends with and you’ll learn to cherish them and make the memories with them a part of your college experience. They are not less for going to this school and neither are you, remember that.

7.) There’s less pressure on you

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Your dream school was called a dream school for a reason. It was a dream, a fantasy, sometimes dreams become a fantasy, and other times, they don’t. That school was built up so much that there would have been a lot of expectations for you to stay there and do well, but now there’s not as much pressure. You should still strive to do well but now that the school you’re attending this semester isn’t up on the pedestal, there’s not as much riding on your shoulders.


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