10 Struggles College Girls Have to Deal WIth

10. Whether you’re sharing a bathroom with the floor of your dorm or just a few housemates, sharing a bathroom with any girl is usually a nightmare.



9. The constant battle of trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle reaches a whole other level once you go to college.



8. Keeping up with grooming yourself is slowly making you become a broke college girl.



7. Deciding which alcohol to get for the night is never an easy decision.



6. Contemplating on if it’s worth it to go out when it’s humid because you don’t want your hair to end up looking like you just got electrocuted.



5. Asking yourself why you’re wasting thousands of dollars in college when you know you just want to be a housewife.



4. Anytime the opportunity comes to hookup with a hot guy you’re afraid if he has an STD because…well…it’s college.



3. Studying is actually impossible on Tuesday nights because you know you can’t miss an episode of Pretty Little Liars.



2. You’re afraid to ever wear heels when you go out because you don’t want to drunkenly break your ankle.



1. Trying to pick an outfit is BY FAR the biggest struggle of being a college girl.


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