10 Struggles of Looking Like Your Mom (2)

5. Everyone thinks that since you look similar you act similar. There’s no way of getting advice without being told that your mom did it when she was your age. Or your mom’s pretty good at it so maybe you should try it out. No, two different people, two different interest.


4. People purposely call you by your mother’s name so often you practically forget your own. To top it off, when you correct them they reply with something along the lines of “Same person.” and continue the conversation like it’s normal.


3. Random strangers constantly think they know you from somewhere and intensely stare at you even after you’ve established that you’re strangers. Sometimes, you are forced to continuously answer questions of places you may have frequently been seen throughout your life when the conversation should have ended 10 minutes ago. Not church, not school, never worked with you.


2. Sometimes you accept the consequences of her actions. For example, let’s say your mom goes off on someone in a certain store for whatever reason and gets banned. I guarantee, if you try to go in the same store the manager will swear you were the crazy lady who came in last week then throw you out as well.


1. When you catch yourself doing something like your mom you have a slight fear that you actually might turn into her. Sudden flashes of you freakishly morphing into your mother haunt you for a couple seconds. Hopefully, if it does come true you’re not worrying about matching socks or cutting out coupons until at least 30 years from now.


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