10 Struggles Only Miami University Students Understand (5)

2. Food makes its way onto the list once again, which makes sense because it makes up ninety percent of most students’ days. Dining services has done nothing wrong really, but the sheer number of students who come get Pulley’s after everything else is closed means that it’s going to take another day to actually get your food. Order and then find a comfy spot, it’s a process.


1. The most frustrating thing that every Miami Student has to deal with: Squirrels. It sounds silly, and I bet anyone reading this who isn’t at Miami thinks I am crazy. If you’re reading this and you are a student at MU though, you know exactly what I’m talking about. They are everywhere on campus, and even when you can’t see them, the Yak feed is full of squirrel jokes. You’ll see students stop randomly on the sidewalks to take pictures, and if you’re particularly cursed, you may even irritate one enough to get hit in the head by a stray nut. Squirrel

Written By: Britton Scheuermann

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