A Southern California Dictionary

College on the west coast is a whole new world. And when you meet native Southern Californians, there’s a few things you should know. First of all, our lingo is our pride and we will not explain it to you. When you move here, we’ll honestly expect you to understand, and we honestly don’t know how to define our words. We’re really not trying to be rude, but it’s strange when people don’t understand us. Secondly, if you can absorb one thing from this entire article, never, ever, in a million years ever, under no circumstances, ever say ‘Cali’. Just don’t. I don’t want to explain further just plz don’t thx. Lastly, don’t adopt these slang words until you feel comfortable with them. Here I’ve provided you with a short list to help introduce you to conversation in Southern California. Good luck friends.

10. Rad – adj. used to describe something that is exceptionally cool or noteworthy

“Those shoes are rad.”

9. Dank – adj. usually pertaining to food, meaning very good or great

“What do you get at Pedro’s?”

“Bean and cheese is dank.”

8. Stoked – adj. descriptive word for a person who is particularly happy or excited

“My 8am class got cancelled today!”

“Oh, you’re stoked.”

7. Gnarly – adj. describes something that is intense, cool, or tragic

“Did you hear about Rich’s car accident?”

“Yeah that’s gnarly.”

6. Homie – n. a person who comes in clutch; a good friend

“Sup tonight homie”

“Still figuring it out, come over.”


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