The 5 Struggles of being a Long Islander in Upstate New York (2)

3. Constantly being accused of having an attitude

Everything you do here is done with a smile on your face, and a thank you following every kind gesture. As much as I think that there is nothing wrong with this, it’s most definitely not the Long Island way. We are looked at as so rude compared to Upstaters. As a Long Islander, you’re used to walking down the street and not even being acknowledged, everyone is in a huge rush to go nowhere and you just hope you can get out of the way quick enough. Where upstate, specifically at Le Moyne College, you find random people just doing the unimaginable saying “Hi, how’s your day”, just to be nice.


2. The lack of beaches

Although there are bodies of water, every Long Islander hears the word beach and thinks of beautiful white sand, big ocean waves, at Gilgo, Jones Beach, Robert Moses, Montauk and the Hamptons. Any mention of those places and any Upstater would be stumped. How could such amazing places mean absolutely nothing to someone?


1. Nobody knows how to drive

Although it may not be something to be proud of, Long Islanders are very aggressive drivers. You know how to handle the city traffic and all the ins and outs of the crazy mayhem. Upstate, this is what they call reckless, and it can get you in a lot of trouble. You’re so out of place on the road, and trust me it is evident. It’s also most definitely frowned upon to let the people know they are driving as slow as snails, no beeping, no middle fingers, nothing, just politely smile and wave because to them you’re the idiot.


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