10 Things All Incoming Freshmen Should Know

1. You’re not the only uncomfortable one

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2. Find friends with the same interests as you



3. Get involved in as many activities as possible


4. Your major doesn’t matter


5.Take as many classes with your friends as possible, it makes it much easier to stay up to date on what’s due


6.Go to the gym, the freshman 15 will catch up sooner or later


7. Get an internship. You’ll learn more in the first week than you’ll learn in your 4 years of class


8. Treat the RA’s nicely, it’ll pay off when they come knocking to complain about loud music


9. Always carry an extra bag in your car for sneaking booze into the dorms


10. Make an effort to email your teachers once a week with some sort of question. Even if you don’t have a question at all, your participation grade will be covered


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