10 Things To Do Before You Go To College

If you’re like millions of other anxiety filled second-semester seniors, these past few months have been filled with application deadlines piling up, where on earth you’re going to get tuition money, and more essays than any sane human should be forced to do.  “Tell us about a life changing moment in your life.” “Tell us about a person who has influenced you the most”.


As you’re approaching your final months of minor league education, take the time to reminisce before you hit grown-up status.

10. Mend old ties.

We have all had those frenemies that always rubbed you the wrongest of ways. But let’s face it. It takes a lot of energy to hate someone, and we are in a generation that promotes laziness. So, to make things easier on you, make your best effort to clear the air with everyone. You will leave your small town with a clean slate, you will avoid those awkward, unexpected grocery store run-ins, and you will feel like a great person. You go, Glenn Cocoa.

meangirlsgifs:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>|| click here for mean girls stuff ||<br /><br /><br /><br /><br

9. Write your teachers “Thank you” notes.

Though they can be super annoying, you have to admit there is at least one teacher that has positively inspired you. Take the time to make up a hand written note showing how much you appreciated the 5 point bonus on that one quiz and the countless recommendation letters. It will really boost their teaching ego, and once again, you will win “Good Deed of the Year”.

… or an even greater thirst to GET. OUT.

Napoleon Dynamite

Whether it is emotional denial, or sturdy confirmation, you should still do it!


7. Love. Your. Room.

Regardless of how big or how small, your room is YOURS. Live it up. Because pretty soon, you’ll be sharing outlets with a roomie. It’s like a never ending sleep-over! Oh, joy!


6. READ.

I know right. Reading?! Ew. But you wont have any time to read any of the pleasure reads that are popular once you are past the point of no return. So check em out before it’s too late!

5. Go on a trip!

Another thing you wont have time for: A good trip! Yeah the little weekend road trips will come, but actually plan this one! Take a cruise, visit a new country, or even check out the closest beach for a week! DISNEY WORLD! You’ll be glad you did.



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