30 Fun Things to do Sober

Partying can be totally awesome, but on those weekends when you’re tired or don’t have plans, it can feel like you’re just wasting away in your room with nothing to do.  Here are some ways to get through those long nights:

30. Netflix binge

 netflix GIF

29. Learn how to do something new


28. YouTube

jenna marbles

27. Online shopping

online shopping

26. Twitter-stalking

twitter salk

25. Deleting all of your un-used apps

flappy bird

24. Make pyramids with the SOLO cups you’re not using

solo cups

23. Actually do your homework


22. Hit the mall


21. Order takeout


20. Go bowling


19. Go on an adventure around campus

adventure cat

18. Call your friends and family back home, because they still exist


17. Read that book everyone is talking about

reading books

16. De-stress with laser tag

laser tag

15. Look up nearby attractions

eiffel tower

14. Wash the clothes that have been on the floor for the past month


13. Throw away your overflowing garbage

homer and grabage

12. Prank your roommate while they’re gone

airhorn door

11. Go to the gym, if it’s still open


10. Discover some new music


9. Catch up on sleep

squidward sleeping

8. Let out your inner artist and draw something

bad horse

7. Play an old board game with friends

guess who

6. If you don’t have a board game, play Cards Against Humanity

  grumpy cards

5. Organize your desk so you can finally use it again

staring at desk work GIF

4. Start researching for that paper that’s due next month… or is it next week? 

paper meme

3. Go grocery shopping to stock up on more ramen

ramen gif

2. Pig out on vending machine snacks


1. Start a blog about your extremely interesting life

katniss blog

Written by Jessica Forte (Jessi Marie Facebook)


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