10 Things I Wish I Had Realized While In High School (2)

5. Take That Class That Isn’t Required

You might not have any time to take that elective art class when you go to school, depending on your major.  Explore as many different subjects as possible before you graduate – it will help you decide your path as you start college.  Sophomore existential crises, while common, are not fun.

4. If You Can, Take A College Class or Two Before You Graduate

Two words: Save. Money.  Enough said.

3. Start Applying For College Scholarships IMMEDIATELY

See above two words.  You are welcome.

2. Appreciate Your Immediate Access A Private Bathroom, Kitchen, and Washer/Dryer

It’s the little things, my friend.

1. It’s Not Lame To Miss High School A Little When You Graduate

If you have enough high school memories when you graduate to be nostalgic from time to time, you’re doing something right.

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